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Friday, December 29, 2023

Disney Shorts Go Blu-Ray

For Disney's Centennial, they are now putting their older shorts on Blu-Ray, calling it either Mickey & Minnie or Mickey & Friends, with awful-ugly clipart covers:

Not interested. You'll get a much better experience on the Walt Disney Treasures. It's like comparing the Mad Tea Party ride to Space Mountain (trust me, I've ridden them both!)

For starters, at least on the Treasures you'll get every one (i.e. a completist's whole kaboodle), even though I hated every moment of Mickey's Man Friday. Yes, I realize when it was made, but it is repellent!

Also, the age of the special feature has come to an end, so seeing all the interviews with Frank and Ollie and Joe Grant are just enough worth the $50, and that's just excluding the pencil tests and galleries and other treats.

The only thing that would attract me to the Blu-Rays is Hawaiian Holiday, just to watch Minnie do that hula in high-def!

Otherwise, though, they look pretty good, if these screenshots can be trusted:

I don't even know if these are authentic screenshots. They look like those fan redraws.

In a similar vein, I just got Walt Disney Treasures: Mickey Mouse in Living Color, which now completes all the Mickey volumes in the series for me. I am a two-year newbie to Disney cartoons, having before believed the Kricfalusian lie that they were all wimpy and unfunny, and upon actually watching them I love them. It's like seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time. I am amazed at how perfect just from a filmmaking perspective things like Mickey's Trailer and Alpine Climbers are. 

But anyway, see you in 2024!


  1. The Band Concert one looks close to the background in the actual short; looks like it was remade digitally.

  2. I also took a while to discover the Disney shorts, because I believed what you refer to here as the "Kricfalusian lie." Discovering them in my late teens was like when I first discovered Charlie Chaplin. Here was a whole new world of pure cinematic art just opening up to me.

    1. I feel the same way! I like Chaplin's films, but I have problems with The Great Dictator, which will be for another time.


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