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Monday, September 18, 2023

Looney Tunes: Collector's Choice Volume 2 Announced

I was just browsing the Internet Animation Database Forums and found out that, apparently, another volume of Collector's Choice comes out November 28th. I have not seen this on Cartoon Research, but there is a cover, so it must be real! If this is some perverse, demented prank, why the 28th?

I really liked the first volume. I was so happy that there was a bunch of Art Davis, one of the wackiest nuts in cartoondom. For once they have cartoons you want to see, and not discs devoted to Buddy and Beans, or random topics.

There is nothing saying what's on there yet, but a Reddit user has a wishlist, which isn't a lot to my liking (too much Thirties and Sixties). Why Leghorn Swoggled is still not on DVD is criminal, since it is the funniest of all the Foghorn Leghorn series. A fan-favorite we'll probably never see is Hare-Breadth Hurry, which Jerry Beck hates. And if you're smart you've noticed how much the collections--especially a certain piece of "gold"--revolve around his interests (Clampett, Bosko, etc...). You will probably say "Well, I hate it too!", but my father and his late cousin were excited when it came on, so somebody likes it.

I commented on the thread with "All I Want for Christmas is You", which no one thinks is funny, except me.

Keep checking for updates on Warnermania!


  1. The "wishlist not to my liking" confirms what I've been saying all along: since everyone has a different idea of what a "Best Of" collection should include, why not release the cartoons a la carte? Make the entire library available, and let viewers stream/download/burn onto DVDs the ones they want. I think most people would pay a little extra to be able to compile their own favorites, and the technology is simple enough.

    The snag is in the old merchandising saying: If everybody doesn't want it, nobody gets it. And some people actually prefer having the choices made for them.

    1. The reason they don't do them all is very simple: eleven will be left out.

  2. One of the good things about collections like Mouse Chronicles, Marsupial Mayham and Zee Best of Zee Best is that unpopular characters filmography is finally complete and they won't show up in future collector's choices to ruin your viewing enjoyment (but I have a dark feeling that Buddy will read his bland head at some point...).

    1. I actually like Sniffles and Pepe Le Pew, so that was good for me. Also big fan of anything Sylvester.

      Please no Buddy!

    2. *finds toilet and vomits profusely*

  3. Everybody's wish list is bound to be different. There's nothing I'd like better than a good collection of Terrytoons, but if Jerry Beck put it together it would be way too heavy on Gene Deitch for my taste.

    I don't mind "Hare-Breadth Hurry". It was amusing to see Bugs filling in for another character. In fact, it might have been funny if they had done more cartoons along those lines. Imagine Sylvester standing in for Pepe Le Pew, or the Tasmanian Devil for Hippety Hopper, or Sniffles for Speedy Gonzalez. Okay, maybe not the last one....

    1. I have not sen Deith's Terrys to agree, but I actually LIKE his Tom and Jerry's.

      Sylvester standing in for Pepe would result in Sylvester Jr.


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